James Niggemeyer – Holiday Wrapping

Bucks Skeeter Yamaha

NiggemeyerBlogIt was a really fun and relaxing couple of weeks around the holidays. After I finished up guiding at Falcon Lake, I was able to take the family and head home and visit my Mom, Sister and all my family that still lives in California for Christmas and New Year’s. We had a wonderful time visiting everybody; you know, visiting people that I don’t get to see very often. It was really nice.

My Mom and her sisters put on a big spread like they always do for Christmas; which was just wonderful! My Mom made a deep fried turkey and a rib roast and all my aunts made their specialty desserts, so it was kind of a potluck. There was just about everything you can want and a huge spread.

I ate too much and was able to spend a lot of time with family that I don’t get to throughout the course of the year and even spend some time with just Sandy and the kids. that was good, it was a nice relaxing time and so much of the year we are in the groove so much. It’s nice to come out of that rut for a moment and really spend that quality time that you really want to most of the year, but a lot of times don’t get to because of the travel and the busy schedule.

So, that was a huge blessing and to be able to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ – a wonderful time of the year, and the kids were blessed with gifts from my Mom and everybody.

My Mom lives in Southern California we were able to take a short drive and hit the beach a couple of times. We made some sand castles, ran around, splashed in the waves a little bit, but that didn’t last long because the water is still super cold. Even with the cold water, the kids really enjoyed that, they always love to get out and go to the beach.

JamesNiggemeyer2012BoatWrapAlong with the Christmas gifts, Mom really blessed us with a trip to Disneyland. It was Daniel and Abigail’s first trip to Disney and we had a great time. We didn’t stay very long; the kids don’t have the stamina probably to stay at it all day. So, we were able to just spend some time there and really have a great time.

I got my 2012 boat wrap put on the Bass Cat and I think it’s the nicest wrap I’ve ever had. It’s an all new wrap and a new design that features Strike King and St. Croix Rods on it. I’m really happy with it, and would love to hear what everyone thinks.

What else can I say – Happy belated New Year to everybody – I’m looking forward to a great year, and hope you are too!
