HomeblogsSkeet’s Beat – Ready for New Orleans Rig on the Way – New Sponsor It took longer than I wanted, but the Lucky Craft / Berkley Big Rig and Stratos Elite 210 is on the way to New Orleans for the Bassmaster Classic. The last couple of weeks had been pretty stressful because I had a couple of things up in the air last minute and they caused me to wait for the final packing until recently. But, now they are resolved and my friend Jimmy Sparks, who used to be one of the “Dirty Dozen” that drove the Bassmaster Sponsor rigs to tournaments, is on the road in the rig. Jimmy flew in the other night in time to go to a Lion’s Club fundraiser dinner. They had a live band and put on a great crab feed; which I never mind too much, and they had dancing for the evening. There were four couples, Kim and I, our neighbors that are in their 80’s and some friends with Jimmy along for the ride. The music was great and we all danced a lot. Our neighbors said it had been 10 years since they danced like that. It was fun, and all a fundraiser for the Lion’s Club community activities; so, it was worth it. I had some good news recently; I joined the Dick’s Sporting Goods fishing team with Shaw Grigsby and Mike Iaconelli. I’m excited to be working with them, and it’s really cool because I don’t have anything exclusive with them, so I can still do appearances and seminars at other retailers too. I’ve got an appearance at a Bass Pro Shops set up for this spring in Florida and a couple to do at Cabela’s this year too, and they were really cool about all of that. They’re the biggest retail chain of their type, and I’m looking forward to working with them. The Classic is just around the corner, and we just got in some new shirts, hoodies and sweaters for the show. Everyone that has seen them says they look really good, so I’m excited to see what the attendees of the show will think. I watched the Super Bowl on Sunday, and it was a good game. I thought the Steelers were going to steal it away from the Packers there for a while, but they pulled it out. It’s cool to have a Northern California Native as the Super Bowl winning quarterback. Aaron Rodgers is from the Oroville and Chico areas, about an hour and a half from my house; he must be on cloud nine right now. Classic practice starts Friday, and I can’t wait to get down to business; it’s just around the corner. Need more Skeet, visit www.skeetreeseinc.com