Creating Classics for Others

story and photos by Rob Lever / We Love to Fish

EveryoneHasClassicTheresaScaleNext week while the fishing world has its eyes on Tulsa Ok for the Bass Master Classic, this year’s guests of We Love to Fish will be home eagerly awaiting the start of their season. With many not knowing the joy of fishing until last year, they are all excited to experience more of what fishing has to offer.

The anticipation is building in many, especially Theresa who has the honor of being this year’s first guest.

Theresa came to We Love to Fish scared to even go out on the water. Last year, it took a little reassuring that she would be safe out on the boat. Once out, Theresa showed a willingness to learn the sport and all of the highs and lows that come with it. After mastering fishing with live bait, Theresa then picked up another rod and learned how to use artificial lures.

A star was born!

That trip went so well that it became a positive reinforcement for her to meet her goals. Fishing was not the only goal that she set her sights on. Goals such as working more hours and helping prepare dinner for her roommates are other things she wanted to accomplish.

Three months later I met Theresa at the same pond we had been to before. This time she stood before me a EveryonesClassicWeLovetoFishNewBoatchanged person. The timid shy person was now a confident angler that beamed with happiness. I asked how she was doing with the goals she set for herself. “I met all of the goals I set, and for the first time, 90 straight days.”

That day we enjoyed an amazing day on the water. Our success was not just measured in the amount but also the size of the fish. Every cast brought a bigger smile to her face and an even bigger one to mine. Days like this are why I founded We Love to Fish. My passion is fishing and my passion grows with each trip. If you ever want to renew your love of fishing, you should watch someone catch a fish for the first time. It lit a fire in me that drives me to take as many people out to share a day on the water that I can.

Most of us take things like everyday life for granted. It took me a while to understand just how special that trip was for Theresa. After talking with her more, she told me that she has been in and out of trouble throughout her adult life. She bounced from group home to group home always looking for people to help her understand her disability. For the first time in years Theresa has a home, and now has a passion to help her chase her dreams.

Last year We Love to Fish took out 13 people for a day on the water. Each trip enjoyed great success and built friendships that will last a lifetime. This year we already have 20 trips booked and we are ready to start out on what we hope will be a very productive year.

EveryoneHasClassicTheresaFourPounderThrough support from sponsors we have been able to purchase a bigger boat. This boat will serve as not just a place for passion to be born, but also for friendships to grow. The size of this boat will allow past guests to share their passion. Each of my past guests will be able to share this years’ experience with a housemate or co-worker.

When I first founded We Love to Fish, my goal was to share my passion and promote camaraderie. This year both of these goals will be accomplished. It would not be fair to take all the credit for what we have accomplished.

Through hard work of others this would not be possible. Pure Fishing donated a rod and reel that each guest got to keep for future trips. As each trip ended my guests faces would light up when they found out they could take home the rod they had used all day. I also want to thank my guest’s families. Most had never met me, but trusted that their loved ones would be safe out on the water with me.

A big thank you is also in order to the Managing Editor of Advanced Angler Dan O’Sullivan. We Love to Fish has been given an opportunity to inform and showcase all of our success because of you! He has believed in our mission from day one and has never wavered in his support.

Next week a new world champion of bass fishing will be crowned. He will raise his trophy and celebrate his hard work over his career. On April 25th Theresa will take the first trip of the year. Through hard work she experiences a similar feeling as the Classic champ. Theresa’s trophy will be her fish and her biggest fan is me. I look up to her for being honest about her struggle and overcoming everything to become a champion. She is a champion of life and I’m proud, and humbled to be a part of it.

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