HomeNewsDeadline Approaching for Delaware DFW Fishing Photo Contest DOVER – With the Oct. 15 deadline fast approaching, the Division of Fish and Wildlife encourages photographers to submit their best fishing photos now to the 2013 Delaware Fishing Photo Contest. The winning photo will be featured on the cover or inside the 2014 Delaware Fishing Guide to be published in early 2014. A judging panel comprised of DNREC staff will be looking for photos that best portray this year’s contest theme, “Conservationists Enjoying the Outdoors.” Judges also will look at technical criteria including resolution, clarity and composition. The contest is open to Delaware residents of all ages, with a maximum of three entries per person. To be eligible, photographs must have been taken in Delaware. Portrait orientation is preferred; landscape photos, if chosen among contest winners, may be cropped for presentation. Entries may be mailed to the DNREC Division of Fish and Wildlife, Attention: Crystal Beck, 89 Kings Highway, Dover, DE 19901. All entries must be postmarked or delivered by Tuesday, Oct. 15, and must include a completed and signed entry form. A photo release form signed by a parent or guardian also is required if a minor child is in the photo. Information and forms are available on the Division’s website at Photo contest information, orĀ www.facebook.com/delawarefishwildlife. Information also may be requested by calling Crystal Beck at 302-739-9911, or emailingĀ crystal.beck@state.de.us. Photos must be submitted as 8 x 10 paper or photo quality prints, with no frames or mats and no markings or signatures on the front or back. Winning entries must be available in a digital version with resolution of 300 dpi or greater. Normal processing of RAW image files, minimal cropping and minor adjustments to color and contrast are acceptable. HDR and focus stacking are permitted as long as manipulation is disclosed upon entry. Nothing should be added to the image or, aside from dust spots, taken away. The entrant must hold all rights to the photograph and must not infringe on the rights of any other person. Images that involve unlawful harm to fish or damage to the environment should not be submitted and will not be accepted. Entries will not be returned. The Division’s 2013 Hunting Photo Contest is accepting entries through Friday, Jan. 31, 2014, with similar guidelines.