Big Bite Baits Pick a Color Contest

Bucks Skeeter Yamaha

Here is your chance to develop a new color for the Big Bite 4” Rojas Fighting and win 1000 baits in your color.

Starting March 12-17 we will accept color suggestions on FB or via email for a new color in the 4” Rojas Fighting Frog. March 18 we will select 4 colors to go into the final bracket. Those colors will be voted on March 18 to decide the final two.

The two top vote getters will go against each other on March 25-April 2. April 2 the winning color will be announced with that person winning 1000 of the new color. The final four contestants all receive a 100 pack prize of the new color. 50 people who vote in all the brackets will be selected to win a free pack of the new color. Check it out on the Big Bite Facebook, Instagram or Twitter pages.

Big Bite Baits Fighting Frog Bracket