HomeblogsBilly McDonald – Starting 2014 at Okeechobee Hey Guys, this is Bill McDonald checking in for my first Advanced Angler Blog right after the meeting for the first FLW Tour tournament of the year at Lake Okeechobee. I’m boat number 144 taking off tomorrow and I’m cautiously optimistic because practice has been good overall, but a little difficult at times. It really seems like the fish are in a lot of transition period. This should be an interesting tournament, I think you’re going to see some really big bags weighed-in, and then there’s going to be just normal, decent bags weighed-in here, so it’s going to be an interesting tournament. Things went good so far this week, it’s just going to be an interesting tournament, and we’ll be doing a lot of different things. and it’s absolutely pouring down rain right now! I don’t think that was really in the forecast to happen, but that’s alright too, I don’t think it’s going to affect what I’m doing very much, but it should be an interesting day, to say the least. I don’t weigh in until 4:45 tomorrow, so I got a long day of fishing to try and make things happen. And we’ll get 180 boats going out tomorrow, so it’s going be a full field to say the least, the fullest field we’ve had in a long time in the FLW, and I’m really excited, and looking forward to going out there, kicking this year off, and having a decent start, and get off to a great start to the year. Here’s to hoping I get some good points in there, and get going on this long season. It’s early, but our ultimate goal is to make it to Lake Murray. The Ion Cameras, Lucas Marine Products, General Tire Ranger / Evinrude boat, will be out there on the water giving it our best shot without a doubt. Find out more about Billy at http://www.billmcdonaldfishing.com