Boyd Duckett – Major League Fishing

Bucks Falcon Mercury

DuckettBlogLet me say, first, that Advanced Angler is a terrific forum for our sport. I enjoy of seeing the variety of offerings on this Web site, and I hope I can add a few cents that will make what you read this in this particular portion of Advanced Angler enjoyable.

I’d like to this space today to talk about something that, if what I’m hearing from fishing fans (as well as other tournament anglers) is right, seems to be a hot topic: MAJOR LEAGUE FISHING.

Right out of the gate, I’d like to say that we’re not trying to create another BASS or FLW. That’s not to say we don’t want MAJOR LEAGUE FISHING to be big and bold. We certainly do. But the reason I say MAJOR LEAGUE FISHING’s goal isn’t to compete with BASS and FLW is because every pro angler that will be competing in MAJOR LEAGUE FISHING understands that BASS and FLW brought us to the place we are today.

BASS and FLW have been great for our sport, and it is my hope that they will continue to be for as long as competitive fishing exists. The Bassmaster Classic, for example, is our Super Bowl. That’s a little bit a cliché, but I can assure you that it’s true. It’s a great event; there’s nothing in fishing like it, and I hope the Classic and BASS are around forever.

But as much as I wish success for both BASS and FLW in the future, I also believe there is room and a market for MAJOR LEAGUE FISHING.

In fact, the belief that there is room for MAJOR LEAGUE FISHING is what got us started in the first place. Several anglers got together roughly two-and-a-half years ago and first discussed, then developed, this product that is now called MAJOR LEAGUE FISHING. We created the concept of competitive fishing events in a made-for-television format that might give viewers insight into what it’s like to be on the water competing against the top anglers in the world.

To help get viewers that closer look at what this kind of competition is like, we added some twists, such as no practice immediately before events and in-boat leader boards. We also took away the five-fish limit rule and said, “OK, catch as many as you want. We’ll count them all.” We also determined that in MAJOR LEAGUE FISHING events a referee (called a boat judge) would accompany every angler. And under the supervision of the boat judge, every fish will be weighed immediately after it is caught, the weight will be immediately recorded, and the fish will be delivered back into the pond. We call it Catch and Immediate Release.

As my friend Gary Klein said, “We can catch a fish, weigh it, record the weight and have it back in the water in 30 seconds.”

So we’re offering some new approaches, and I’m looking forward to fishing with this format. I can absolutely promise you that the other anglers are, too.

I’d be the first to tell you that some of the format ideas we’re utilizing – leader board in the boats, for example – are not new concepts. We just think they’re great ideas and that they will work in our made-for-television product.

To make a long story short, Outdoor Channel liked what we came up with and decided they’d like to partner with us. And we are both excited a bout and appreciative of this partnership and what Outdoor Channel brings to the table.
Outdoor Channel is also working with us to develop a Web pay-per-view product that we hope will offer even more coverage than you’ll get when our events air on the network during the second quarter of next year. I hope we’ll have more to announce on that soon.

Again, I promise you the anglers are jacked about this. That in itself should assure that there will be some good fishing.

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