Dave Lefebre – Table Rock then Home

Bucks Skeeter Yamaha

LefebreBlogA lot has been going on lately, everything good except the last event on Table Rock Lake, lol.

My family and I just returned home after dropping our Diesel, RV, and boat off at Beaver Lake. It was nice riding together for a change, but the trip from Rogers, AR to Erie, PA is way too long to do in one day, especially with a little girl who has to pee every 30 minutes, haha.
But we did make it and have a jam-packed schedule over the next week and a half before we hit the road south again. We haven’t had the opportunity to travel without towing a boat in the new Suburban until now, and I can say we were impressed with the fuel economy. I reset the gauge and we averaged over 19 mpg…awesome.

While we are home we have to get our taxes done and finalize our house plans and a few other things. We hope to be breaking ground before we leave, but knowing how slow this whole process has been so far, I’d be surprised if that happened. I have people coming to fish on the weekend too, always look forward to that especially here on the Bay, its so good right now. We’ll be fishing out of my new little boat since my Ranger is in Arkansas. We plan on a day of smallmouth fishing and a day stocking up on the crappies!

Well, I really don’t want to talk about what happened (or didn’t happen) at Table Rock. I really love fishing there too, it’s a sick feeling that will never go away. I cant even sleep at night thinking about how close I was to checking Long Creek on the last afternoon of practice…it would’ve been right up my alley…oh well. I need to go rebound on my favorite lake; Beaver Lake, ya right, lol.

I actually led that event on day 1 last year; maybe I can do it on day 4 this time around. Now that AOY is probably out of the question and I’ve already made the Cup, maybe I can be a little more relaxed the rest of the year and gamble a bit more…who knows? I know I cant wait to get back out there and get some revenge on em!
