Fish with Ish – The First Event is Here On Site at Lake Okeechobee

IshBlogWell, I’m in Okeechobee this week and I’m glad to be down here.

Finally got out on to Lake Okeechobee and the weather is really nice. You know typical Florida weather, high 70’s during the day, with high 50’s to low 60’s overnight it’s great.

I’m really looking forward to getting up in my boat and have a good time. I spent some of the pre practice time breaking in the new Yamaha 250 SHO motor, and that went really well.

Fishing seems like it’s gonna be really good, everybody’s gonna have limits because there’s lots of little fish out there right now; you can pretty much catch them any way that you want.

It’s been good to get down here and see all the old friends and stuff. I guess my offseason workout routine was good, because everyone’s telling me how much thinner I got, but I’ve just been telling them it’s my Team Bass ADX gear that makes me look thinner.

I was really happy to be back out here after a long winter and the long drive, you know. Once I got here I shot some video and did some photos and stuff while I was out here, just taking care of business as usual.

We start on Thursday and tomorrow on Wednesday will be G.T.L. day; you know, gym, tanning and laundry day. I’ll wake up in the morning and hit the gym, then maybe out by the pool, but I don’t need any more tanning, I’m already tan and get some laundry done.

I’m really ready for Thursday and excited about the first of the tournament year. I can’t wait to really kick it off this week, you know I’m looking forward to it; it should be fun.

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