Advanced Angler’s Dan O’Sullivan Tries Laser Treatment for Pain

Nothing can ruin a great fishing trip like an injury.  There are days that everything goes wrong, we lose fish, break line, lose tackle; all of which are frustrating.  However, nothing is more frustrating than finally getting on good fish and injuries flare up making it nearly impossible to be effective.

Dan O’Sullivan, Advanced Angler’s Managing Editor knows that all too well.  After years of sports injuries, surgeries and physical therapy while playing ball, O’Sullivan has developed cramping pain in his forearms and elbows from too much mousing, typing and carrying cameras covering fishing events.  He has said that they bother him some while he is working of course, but they throb at night keeping him awake, and they actually cramp and bind while fishing.

He said he had heard of Laser Therapy from other anglers in the Northern California area that was helping anglers with tennis elbow and other assorted issues, so when he got the chance to try it with Sacramento Chiropractor J. Rod McGinnis D.C.  at the International Sportsman’s Expo this past weekend, he jumped at the chance and had someone film it while going through the treatments on two separate days so we could share the experience with you.

Watch his experiences and if you’re interested in knowing more, look up Doctor J. Rod McGinnis at  He can help you find a Laser Therapy treatment doctor near you.