HomeFeaturesSeaguar Hookpoints – The Punching Rig with Shaw Grigsby Shaw Grigsby lives in Florida and being able to fish heavy matted vegetation is critical to being successful. A big tungsten weight like this Tour Grade Tungsten and a creature bait like this Rage Bug on a stout hook like this TK130, rigged on a heavy Flippin’ Rod and Seaguar Flippin’ Braid make this rig perfect for fishing in heavy, matted vegetation. Let’s show you how Grigsby prepares for this fishing style. Grigsby selects 65-pound-test Seaguar Flippin’ Braid because it is thin, strong and because it is black in color. This coloration makes it disappear in heavy vegetation and doesn’t wear off as quickly as traditional colors do. This allows the end user to fish it longer without reversing or changing out. The first step for Grigsby is to insert the Seaguar Flippin’ Braid into the pointed end of the tungsten weight. Next, he doubles the Seaguar Flippin’ Braid and insert it into the eye of the hook. He is preparing to tie his 7-wrap Double Uni Knot; which he believes is the best knot for braided line. Pull the doubled end of the Seaguar Flippin’ Braid through the eye Wrap the tag end of the doubled Seaguar Flippin’ Braid around your finger to make a loop Make a loop with the doubled end of the Seaguar Flippin’ Braid like this. Wrap the doubled tag end around the loop and the main section of the Seaguar Flippin’ Braid 7 times. Grasp the main line with the loose tag and the doubled tag end in one hand and the hook in the other. Wet the knot in progress and begin to cinch the knot by pulling your hands apart. Make sure the knot stacks neatly at the eye of your hook. Your finished knot should look like this with three separate tag ends. Trim all three tag ends; the single loose end as well as the two ends of the loop near the knot. After finishing the knot, slide your sinker down the Seaguar Flippin’ Braid to make sure all comes together in a neat alignment. Notice that there is no bobber stop or pegging of the weight. Grigsby believes that an unpegged sinker gets through cover better and more naturally as well as helps reduce the occurrence of lost fish. Next, grasp the head of your creature bait and insert the point of your hook into the center of the head of the lure. Slide the soft plastic up to the first bend in the hook, and pull the point of the hook out of the bottom of the lure. Turn the plastic bait around so that the point of the hook faces the belly of the lure and slide the head up towards the line tie. Push the head of the lure over the line tie and cover the eye of the hook and the knot. Make sure the keeper barb of the hook is completely out of the lure, and then lay the bait next to the hook to give yourself a ballpark measurement of where the point of the hook should enter the lure to make sure it ends up being rigged straight on the hook. Lift the tail end of the lure, inserting the hook point at the spot you measured to. Push the plastic down on the hook shank, but leave the hook point itself inside the soft plastic. By doing that, you’ll make your lure more weedless, and the low stretch nature of the Seaguar Flippin’ Braid will easily make the hook penetrate plastic and the mouth of a bass. Here is Grigsby’s perfectly rigged Punch rig, notice how the black color of the Seaguar Flippin’ Braid blends into the head of the lure. Rigged in this way, with a stout rod, and Seaguar’s Flippin’ Braid, this Punching Rig can be one of the most effective big bass lures and presentations in the game. For more information about Seaguar’s new Flippin’ Braid and Seaguar’s Flippin’ Fluorocarbon, read below, and visit the Seaguar Flippin’ page for more info and videos about the product Seaguar®, the inventor and world leader in fluorocarbon and premium fishing line, has expanded its portfolio with the launch of two new technique-specific fishing lines targeting heavy cover applications. Flippin’ Fluoro and Flippin’ Braid are the brainchild of Denny Brauer, legendary flipping expert and BassMaster Classic® Champion. Brauer identified strength and sensitivity as the key characteristics required in the new Flippin’ lines. “This is about pulling big fish out of the nastiest vegetation you can find,” said Brauer. “You’re on a short line, and you need to feel the quick reaction strike and then literally horse the fish out of heavy cover.” He added, “Your line is one of the most important aspects of the presentation, and now Seaguar has made selecting the right line simple.