HomeNewsA RETOOLED ADVANCED ANGLER You may have noticed when you logged on this morning that there had been a few – okay – a lot of changes to Advanced Angler. A new color scheme just being one of the changes. Thanks to our mad scientist of all things web, Tom Leogrande of True Image Promotions, things look a little different around here this morning. But rest assured, those changes are not just cosmetic. The site has some new components that should make your daily visits a little more enjoyable as well. Among those upgrades are: User controllable Feature slider – The cover image of Advanced Angler continues to rotate so that you can see all of the good stuff that we do with the help of the best anglers in the business, but now, the user can control the interface so that they can more easily select which story they want to read, or that slide they missed a second ago. Simply click on thumbnail image under the cover images, scan the excerpt and click “read more” to read the whole story. Search Function – At the upper right of the website, thee is now a search bar that will help you find everything you can about your favorite angler or that technique you wanted to learn. Type your search term in the field, click the magnifying glass and pull up results from the site related to your search term. Mobile enabled video – Our Under the Lid, Behind the Scenes, and new “Zapped! Pro Powered Electronics” features will not be published in a way that allows users of most mobile platforms to view them. Now, you can catch a peak at them away from home, or when you’re at your desk. RSS Feed – Get notified of updates to the site as they happen throughout the day. Stay abreast of the latest news, stories, blogs and video that hit the pages of the site frequently throughout the day. There is be an ARCHIVE Link at the top of the page in the menu bar that allows you to find articles, blogs and videos on the old format of the website. We will leave that functionality in place while we back load the videos, features, blogs and more that you have enjoyed in the past. Of course, our charter at Advanced Angler remains the same, to work with the people who are most in the know to provide you ways to improve your fishing and enjoyment of the sport. Our motto is, and always will be to help Elevate Fishing to the Next Level, and we will continue to do just that. We appreciate your daily visits to the site, and will continue to seek new ways to help bring you more of what you love – fishing! Don’t forget to come back frequently for our coverage of the Bassmaster Classic through our trademark – Classic Raw coverage style – bringing you the Bassmaster Classic through our eyes, as told by the authors of the story – the anglers! CLASSIC RAW coverage begins Wednesday following Official Practice, Continues with Media Day on Thursday, then Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the event with subsequent coverage of the Bassmaster Classic Expo and our In Depth stories after the event has culminated in the crowning of a champion. See you there!