HomeNewsNew Future Angler Foundation Board Forestville, WI – With a snappy new website to communicate this organization’s mission to grow the sport of fishing through education and outreach, the Future Angler Foundation’s board of directors shows they are solidly in place. Meet the team who pulled this 501c3 non-profit together over the last 12 months and have it poised for success heading into ICAST 2014: Patrick Neu — President and co-founder, outdoor market consultant and the Executive Director of the National Professional Anglers Association (NPAA) Al Lindner — Vice President, world famous television personality and outdoor communicator at Lindner’s Angling Edge Jeff Marble — Secretary, fishing industry entrepreneur and board member at the American Sportfishing Association (ASA) and Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation (RBFF) Kristine (K.J.) Houtman — Executive Director, outdoor writer and author Dr. Philip Moy — Chief Scientist at Smith-Root, Inc. and over 20 years’ experience working in aquatic science research, education and outreach Robert Blosser — Co-founder, entrepreneur, tournament angler and current president of the NPAA Greg Karch — Co-founder, angler education specialist and NPAA Future Angler Event Committee Chair “The sport of fishing enhances my quality of life,” shared President Pat Neu. “We formed FAF to share our passion with others in the community through education and outreach.” The FAF educates potential new anglers of all ages, race and gender on how to catch fish and protect the resource. This educational component is critical for the future of the sport. FAF puts boots on the ground in a very hands-on, grass roots approach. Stakeholders in the fishing industry contribute to FAF, who supports anglers who teach fishing basics. Additionally, FAF’s message centers on good stewardship of our resources and sound, aquatic conservation. With funding, FAF will: Educate volunteers on how to host educational “how to” fishing events Providing learning materials and fishing equipment to support FAF sanctioned events Pair volunteers with venues like National and State Parks and Forests and Federal/State Wildlife areas Develop programs with school systems and community park and recreation programs to bring angling into curriculum Build sportfishing industry support for the hands-on, grassroots efforts of our members “I feel the Future Angler Foundation will become a key resource for providing access and education to young people and families who are interested in learning about fishing,” said board member Phil Moy. “We are thrilled to be able to utilize the professionalism and skills of our networks of avid anglers to help us connect and introduce new people to our sport.” The Future Angler Foundation is an all-volunteer organization with no paid staff. Corporate contributions, personal donations and grants help solidify new anglers, securing the sportfishing participant base for years to come. “Companies whose livelihoods depend on this are supporting the efforts of FAF financially,” said Kristine Houtman “Compared to other nonprofits, we’re focused on introducing new anglers to a fishing experience and educating them on the skills they need to catch fish and how to take care of the fishery.” All work very important to the sportfishing industry’s future. Check out www.futureangler.org or email Pat Neu, President or Kristine Houtman, Executive Director at info@futureangler.org. Future Angler Foundation (FAF) is a 501c3 non-profit organization founded in November of 2013.