Mark Menendez – The Scans Went Well

Bucks Skeeter Yamaha

MenendezBlogAs the Elite Series makes the turn for its final leg, I’m not worried about making the Classic, Elite Qualification, or a top 50 cut. My name has not been in the tournament standings this year. I am at home with the ones I love.

I have been the last man in the Classic as well as the first man out of the Classic several times. It is a relief to be going to another World Championship. The first man out is such a bitter pill to swallow! This is serious business in the world of a bass angler’s life. Not so much in that angler’s personal life.

Yesterday saw the Menendez family get some relief. Last Friday, Donna (my wife) was scheduled to have three CT scans. We had an abnormality show in routine blood work in her battle with Pancreatic Cancer. The scans were for the following Monday. Seventy-two hours in most fishermen’s life is faster than seventy-two minutes! As we waited for Monday morning, negative thoughts crept into my head. Questions are flying through the mind. Stress begins to eat at everything around your consciousness.

Seventy-five hours later it is all over. The scans are complete. The doctor calls our home. Donna and I both grab at the phone. It must have sounded as if we were screaming “Hello” to our doctor. Fortunately, our doctor has a quick wit! “It sounds as if you guys were expecting my call?” He says. “Everything looks good with a couple of insignificant findings”, He said. The news is better than any fishing event! I feel free until the next scan.

I have had the time to do things I have never done before this tour season. Make it to my daughter’s play, baseball games with my son, and fun time with both have been great sources for pleasure. Anything to make my mind stop thinking about Pancreatic Cancer! Don’t get me wrong, I am still working for my sponsors as well. I’m approaching 50 appearance days for the companies aligned with the Mark Menendez brand! There are more on the way! These business relations are a two way street. Each company has graciously stood beside the Menendez family this tour season. I am eternally grateful.

Donna and I arrived in Las Vegas, NV a couple of days before ICAST. It was great to take a couple of days for us to relax and enjoy time together. This is something we have not done enough during our marriage. We were the absolute tourist! Las Vegas is a bit fast paced for the both of us. Nevertheless, we had a great week in Las Vegas working and relaxing!

Next up for me will be a half day of fishing with a childhood friend. My Skeeter boat has a grand total of 10 hrs. on it! I have managed less than a day per month of fishing over the last nine months. That is a culture shock to me. A trip to the lake is just what the doctor ordered! Stress will be gone.

I’m looking forward to the College BASS Championship in a few days. I will be working with these upcoming anglers as well as the keynote speaker for their tournament dinner. I hope that I can come up with more than, “Go early and stay late” as words of wisdom!

Mark Menendez is an Elite Series Angler. You can follow him at Facebook or Twitter.