Dave Lefebre – Fishing Over – New HomeProject

Bucks Skeeter Yamaha

LefebreBlogI think my season is finished. After all that effort trying to qualify for the
Ever Start Series Championship on the Ouachita River, LA now it looks like I’m
probably not going to fish it after all. My boat is getting refurbished and
“prettied up” to sell and may not be ready in time, plus with all the “house
stuff” going on at the moment I’d probably be better off staying home anyway.

There is so much happening right now that Anne and I have been at the
job site talking to plumbers, electricians, flooring people and contractors from
9:00AM to afternoon every day since I got home on Monday. All the rest of our
time is spent driving back and forth to Lowe’s and other specialty stores and
shopping for lighting and bathroom fixtures online. It’s busy, but I’m having
fun with it…Anne? That’s another story, lol. She’s getting sick of it.

garage is starting to take shape, they are pouring the cement this week. All the
doors for the house just came in today. We finalized our siding and it was
ordered today as well. We have an Amish guy building our kitchen cabinets and
vanities, he is incredible, a little more challenging communicating with, but it
should turn out to be well worth it in the end. He began building today and
believe it or not, we still haven’t decided what color we want yet, too many

I’m hoping to get out in the boat with Smiley soon. Everything
is biting, but I’m afraid I’m not going to be able to take advantage of it all
this year. Its supposed to get up into the 70’s this week and then the bottom
falls out by the weekend and into next week. This is the time of year we start
trying to re-stock the freezer. Last year was the first year we didn’t get any
ice on the lakes, I’m hoping we don’t have to deal with that again this

I’m exited about starting a fresh season next year and just as
excited about having some time off. I’m looking forward to the holidays and
spending some quality time with my family. It’s also football time…Go
