Ish Monroe – Lanier to Pickwick

IshBlogWeek number five on the seven week stretch was at Lake Lanier for the PAA. Should have been an excellent tournament but you know how it goes; we always bring the worst weather possible.

I went from sight fishing and 80 degrees in to freezing cold and raining so it pulled all the fish off bed and has them in a real funky mood. You know I was really looking forward to the frog bite and swimbait bites on some big old spotty bass.

Lanier was almost like a West Coast reunion; Papa Mur Dog John Murray, Spin to Win Aaron Martens Justin Kerr, Rusty Salewske; B. Hite is here; Big dog Brett Hite.

Lanier turned out to be a light line event, but I’m looking forward to get back the frogs, flipping sticks and swimbaits next week at Pickwick and then Toledo Bend.

Let’s talk about April; April is a great month, and when the fish start biting, start spawning, they get up shallow and then you get cold fronts like we did on Lake Lanier last week. But, then now we hit April where the weather starts out being real nice down here on Pickwick Lake and I’m pretty excited about that.

I wanted to say I’m really excited about the cover of Bassmaster this month, that’s pretty exciting here for me, I even got my Team Bass Adx hat on there; which everyone should be sporting one.

I’m just getting off the water; yeah a little early I know, but the one thing is this new Lowrance Sirius weather I have on my HDS unit is awesome. It told me about the thunderstorm and the possible tornados that are coming in here at Pickwick Lake and it allowed me to get off the water early to avoid the dangerous weather.

But, fish were biting, I’m getting really excited because I get to fish shallow. Of course I was catching some of them with my frogs, some of them flipping and on a spinnerbait and a Chatterbait. Things look really good and I hope to go out this week and really whack ’em.

I got a little bluegill here from Jerry Rago that I’m really looking forward to throw on Toledo Bend, especially because they are going be on the spawn and post spawn so I’ll defiantly be reeling that blue gill through some of those beds and that should jack me up a couple of giants. So if you haven’t got your Jerry Rago bluegill them you better go out get your Jerry Rago bluegills because you’re going to need them.

Other than that got my truck looking all pretty fired up and things are good. Hope to catch them this week, wish me luck and see you guys next week.