James Niggemeyer – Snowman in Texas Fun with the Kids and Getting Ready for Bass Cat

NiggemeyerBlogI don’t really have any major news to report because things have been really slow, mainly because of the unusual weather we’ve been having here in East Texas. It snowed, quite a bit for our area, and it stayed on the ground for three days at least.

It gave us an opportunity to take the kids outside and play in the snow for a while; we had a blast. We built a snowman in our yard, and when I thought he looked a little too cold, I put one of my Yamaha beanies on him; Sandy just looked at me and rolled her eyes. There was enough snow left on the ground to have a little snowball fight yesterday too.

NiggemeyerSnowmanI just got word from Bass Cat that my boat will be done at the end of the month, and I can’t wait to get it in, wrapped with the Synergy Technologies graphics, and loaded for the season. I went with the Puma FTD again this year. It’s a 20’4″ boat that is the flagship boat of the Bass Cat line. It’s got tons of storage and gives me the best of both worlds; fast, cuts rough water real well and maneuverable in shallow water.

I went with two Power Poles this year for the first time. For the last two years, I’d only put one on my boat, but there were times I wished I had two. Having one is excellent, but two of them really helps lock the boat into position in just about anything.

TexasSnow2011I still hear people think they’re only a tool for sight fishing, but they’re good for so much more. I use them a lot in water that’s eight feet deep or shallower for anchoring the boat when I’m retying a bait, culling or even when I’m fighting a fish and don’t want to lose my line on the spot. They’ve been really helpful, and I’m excited about the dual set up.

Well, I can’t think of much else going on, other than I’m still organizing my tackle to be ready to throw in the boat when it gets here. The season’s getting closer.

To learn more about James, visit his website at: www.jamesniggemeyer.com