John Murray – A Pleasant Surprise A Tournament Win and a Dry Run

Bucks Skeeter Yamaha

MurrayBlogI fished an ABA Team tournament on Bartlett Lake over the weekend with my friend Steve Molinari who used to own Southwest Marine here in Phoenix.

We had a good day on the water, it was a tough tournament. The bite was a brief reaction bite in the morning followed by deep jigs after that. We weighed almost nine pounds for our five fish limit and while it wasn’t a great day for big fish, we caught quite a few keepers.

The great thing about tough tournaments is that they can be some of the easiest tournaments to win, and guess what? We did.

It was great to feel the thrill of the victory again; it’s been a couple of years since I won a tournament, and I’m excited about it. The cool thing is, that Pleasant is the toughest of the Phoenix lakes for me and to win on there is a great feeling.

Hopefully, this is the start of new momentum going into the 2011 season.

We had an interesting thing happen the other day. It was cleaning day for the motor home, and while Amy was inside cleaning, I was outside putting some stuff together. We put T.J. up on the bed over the cab with a DVD to watch. I guess he decided it was boring, so he tried to go visit his mom, and took a header off the bed onto the floor.

Maybe he’s not ready for that big of a bed yet, we’ll have to figure out some other sleeping arrangements for him.

We had satellite installed in our motor home today for the road, at least that way we can keep up with the news and info while we’re camping as we traveling the country.

Other than that, Amy is studying hard for her real estate license exam that she’s taking before we leave. She’s been working hard on that, and I’m sure she’ll do fine.

We’re taking the motor home up to Lake Roosevelt for a dry run here pretty soon, my next couple of tournaments are up there, and it’s a good time to give the new lifestyle a try.

We’ll talk to ya’ soon, maybe with another win or two under my belt.

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