Mark Menendez – The Long Road Back

MenendezBlogAs I look at turning the page on the October calendar, I realize why I am worn out! Take a look at my actual calendar that I use to keep up with my schedule. I slide in to my home from a four day 1,300 mile Skeeter trip last night to support my wife at a Pancreatic Cancer Purple Light event where she delivered the keynote address.  She was wonderful in her message.

I have been attending Classic events for the ever competitive team tournament trails. I have been all over the southeast emceeing, meeting anglers, and helping the “Skeeter Bean Team” feed these anglers at the events! Two inch pork chops, BBQ, and all the fixings’ have been on the menus! No one leaves without a full belly and everyone enjoys the meal from Kevin Polston and Henry Thomasson. I’m really the “Go-for Boy”! It is a world of work. It is so much fun working with these guys. The anglers are so appreciative and really give me a hard time about being number three in charge of the cooking!

We have four more dates in November to complete. Then, I will turn my sights on to my return to the Elite Series! Donna has urged me to make my return as her health continues on the right path from fighting Pancreatic Cancer. I paid my depositsand I’m a bit nervous and excited to get this opportunity. I did not think that normalcy would return to my household.

October a Long Road BackIn preparation, I will have to conquer my garage! I don’t understand the forces of nature. My tackle has exploded in my garage. It is everywhere! I fished very little in the past year. It should be in the place I left it twelve months ago! That may be my issue. I don’t remember unloading my boat last year. I could have been in a huge hurry. The end result will mean hours of organization to be ready for the Elite Series.

I have begun a diet and fitness program. I have consulted a great friend that is a Dietician. She has helped me lose 15 lbs. to this point in short order without being hungry! I’m eating around 1,800 calories per day of great stuff. The fitness program consists of yard mowing six acres with a push mower, walking, and being active working on our home.

The other preparation is with the gang at IMAC Regeneration Center in Paducah, Ky. Bringing my life to a standstill over a year ago to care for Donna has played havoc with me physically.  The chiropractors at IMAC have helped align my back. I had lost all of my mobility from the stress of the word Cancer! I could not even tie my shoes without pain! My team has me on the fast track to better health! The first effect was sleep. I have slept better than I have in years with proper alignment. My mobility is back as well. I now know what it feels like to be healthy and in better physical condition. Thank you guys!

There will be much to do in the coming days. It is so much easier to do knowing my wife is moving forward. I’m already thinking about my first event at Lake Seminole in March!!