HomeFeaturesVideo – Advanced Angler’s Under the Lid with Takahiro Omori Our Under the Lid Series continues to to be one of our most popular features on Advanced Angler. The amount of response we get from fans, industry and professional anglers alike is humbling. Even more humbling is having the chance to learn from some of the best anglers in the business. Today is no different as we get the chance to go through the Ranger Z520 / Yamaha 250 SHO of 2004 Bassmaster Classic Champion Takahiro Omori from Emory, Tex. Omori is the type of angler who wastes nothing, and if something doesn’t fit into his game plan, it has no place in the boat; he shows us his efficiency in the setup and preparedness of his tour rig. Thanks to Takahiro Omori for taking the time to film with our Staff Writer Jason Duran while he was pre-practicing for the 2014 Bassmaster Classic on Lake Guntersville.