Advanced How-to – Bass Boating 101 with Kent Brown

One of the most exciting parts of being a bass angler is getting your first bass boat.  One of the other most exciting times is when you sell it and get your next one; and the trend continues.  The thrill of operating a high powered bass boat can be exhilarating, in fact, there sometimes can be nothing like it.  Hearing your boat number called at a tournament, then skillfully maneuvering boat wakes while you race to your first fishing hole can put a charge into the most docile soul.

But, a bass boat can – in an unskilled operator’s control – become a dangerous vehicle.  With that in mind, we sought the help of one of our best local boat drivers in Northern California to provide some tips and understanding of bass boat operation, especially for our readers who are new to, or soon to be new to bass boating.

Kent Brown, the host of Northern California’s Ultimate Bass Radio show also happens to be the Triton Boats rep for the Western United States along with a longtime tournament angler.  Brown takes us through everything from preparing to launch, launching with a partner and solo, boat ramp etiquette, boat operation, and more.  He explains what chine walking is and how to control it and demonstrates everything he discusses along the way.

Please enjoy bass boating 101 with Kent Brown.