AdvancedAngler Video Pro Tip – Why Kevin VanDam Says Your Baits are Not Big Enough


Kevin VanDam Demonstrates why Larger Lures often work – photo by Dan O’Sullivan

While at the Strike King Lure Company Media Event on Kentucky Lake, Kevin VanDam came across something that would shock some anglers; a Gizzard Shad.

He shared with us why the Gizzard Shad is so important to the bass and the anglers on lakes throughout the country, and illustrated why the 23-time B.A.S.S. winner says;

Your Baits Aren’t Big Enough.

In this AdvancedAngler Video Pro Tip, VanDam explains why anglers shouldn’t be afraid of the size of some of the larger lures in bass fishing like the Strike King 10XD, and KVD 8.0 crankbaits and even some of the larger swimbaits.