Lazer TroKar July 4th Photo Contest

Power Pole

Lazer Trokar loves the 4th of July. They love everything about it, the fishing, the flags, the fireworks, and even the food. That’s why Lazer TroKar wants to celebrate with everyone and share our good times. Lazer TroKar will be hosting a photo contest on Instagram July 1st through July 7th. Use the hashtag #TroKar4th with all of your 4th of July photos. There are lots of prizes lined up including mini Elite Kits, TroKar hooks, apparel, and other goodies. Winners will be awarded for best photo in each of the following categories: Fishing, Flags, Fireworks, Food, and Best Overall Photo. All winners will be selected by Lazer TroKar staff.

TroKar 4th flyer