John Murray – Setting Up for Summer

Bucks Skeeter Yamaha

MurrayBlogHey, just wrapping up my last couple of weeks, we spent 10 days in Phoenix, sitting there with the last two weeks off.

Anyway, it was a beautiful couple weeks; we had nice weather there in Phoenix – actually went out to Lake Pleasant and, to threw the old River2Sea Rover 128, caught some nice stripers and some nice largemouths out there. So, fishing was good, but that’s the only fishing I did. Other than that I didn’t do much, we basically got the house ready. We’re gonna shut it down, probably for the summer.

After this trip back to the Arkansas River in the last couple of tournaments we’re gonna be spending our summer in Illinois some of my wife’s family farms, so T.J. will have a lot places to play up there and I’m gonna fish the Northern Opens out of Illinois.

So we have been pretty mellow, getting everything ready, shutting down the house, the pool, all that good stuff and looking forward to get back east again to go to the Arkansas River, go to Wheeler and then I’m scheduled to go to a P. A.A. Tournament at Table Rock after that.

We’re here in Arkansas it has been hot, humid, but you know there’s a nice place we’re staying at, a place called Burns Park, a lot of the guys are staying there.

Right across the street is a place called Funland so you can tell it’s a great place for T.J. to hang out and then there’s a water park there. So T.J. and Amy are going to the water park with a lot of the families, and I’m out here fishing the Arkansas River; an area I never fished before and actually a pretty good morning and couple big ones and you know a couple nice, good fish on, so this is pretty good.

I’m just going to have to figure out how to catch them consistently here, you know it’s a lot of pressure on some of the good areas so I don’t know how long they will hold up, I’m hoping for a couple of good days out of them. I’ve been impressed with the size of the ones that I’ve caught in practice, so hopefully we can set that up for the week.

Anyway, second to the last Elite Tournament until the Classic and I’m gonna give it heck!