HomeblogsJames Niggemeyer – Fall Bass and Seminars I did a seminar at Cabela’s in Allen, Texas last week. I did a seminar there on fall and winter bass fishing in East Texas – mainly on Lake Fork, where I guide. It was good to be there and spend time with people in Allen, and meet people who want to learn and love to talk about it. This is kind of an exciting deal – I’ve been fishing quite a bit and that is always fun. You know, people always ask what I like to do when I get home in between tournaments – what I like to do – I still REALLY like to go out and catch them! With that in mind, I’ve been spending quite a bit of time on Lake Fork doing some guide trips with some regular consistency too. It has been nice. Typically in October you can catch a lot of fish – it becomes more of a numbers game. You have fish that are schooling, but you don’t really find the quality bass; like Lake Fork is known for. As you move into November I have noticed that the quality is starting to pick up and the little guys seem to be fewer and farther between. It is definitely a sign of the changing seasons and patterns that are developing right now. It’s been fun and I am catching them on a wide variety of baits; the KVD 1.5 squarebill has been really key catching a lot on the Swimming Caffeine Shad, and that’s been cool. Flippin’ up a few with a Hack Attack jig. Catching a couple on a Quad Shad spinnerbait and just mixing it up. So it’s been a lot of fun keying on the shad in super shallow water and the weather has just been beautiful out here. But it’s been really good and I just want to urge everyone to go over to my Facebook and check out – I am doing a Top Ten Gifts for your Favorite Fisherman over the next few weeks between now and Christmas check it out and keep posted and stay in touch. It is James Niggemeyer, Angler – that’s my Facebook page. Go over there and get some great gift ideas for Christmas and everybody’s favorite time of year. Other than the guiding, I’ve been spending a lot of time on the water doing some guiding like I said and actually making preparations for 2013 season. BASS just announced the Classic will be on Lake Guntersville – one of my favorites – it’s got a lot of grass in it and you know me, I love to fish the grass! Anyway, that’s it for now so make sure you go to my James Niggemeyer, Angler Facebook Page and check out those gift ideas!