HomeblogsDave Lefebre – Christmas Activities It’s been cold, got down to 17 last week. Unfortunately it is supposed to warm back up and rain every day this week, so it doesn’t look like I’ll be on the ice before Christmas this year…major bummage. I’m especially anxious to get out this year because I’ve got some cool new underwater camera equipment from Vexilar to play around with. But it wont be anytime soon, I’ll have to keep loading up on the walleye and crappie from the boat for now. There is really not much going on here at all. Anne and I have mainly been hauling kids, Gramps, and our Moms back and forth to after school activities and various doctor appointments. We are constantly running all over the place, especially Anne, poor girl. Gramps has a dentist appointment this morning actually and a doctors appointment on Friday, lol. I think our Christmas shopping is all finished. We are actually planning on wrapping stuff today while Smiley is in school and Macy is over at Nana’s house. I’m looking out the window now, and it is a sloppy muddy mess out there. Usually we all go sled riding somewhere over Christmas weekend, but there will be no “white†this time around, which is so disappointing. My 2011 Ranger is now for sale too by the way. It would make a great Christmas gift for your wife or kids, lol. If you might be interested, look me up on facebook.com/DaveLefebre Well, I hope everybody has a great holiday weekend and takes the time to remember the reason for the season.